A Yoga


Immersion for


200hr Hot Yoga
Teacher Training
Starts 5 October, 2024
Deepen your practice. Teach Yoga
Live your purpose.
It's An Experience
beyond words...

Do you feel "stuck" in your practice?

Maybe you'd like more magic in your yoga?

Have you felt called to teach this thing called yoga?

Sometimes what you want is to be a part of what you love, a community centred on growth & passion.

This could be the opportunity you've been waiting for.

Community. Purpose. Possibility.

First, You'll immerse yourself in a 4 day adventure called RQU (Release the Quatum yoU) where you will re-imagine what's possible in your life and bring that reality closer than ever before. RQU doesn't change the past but, what it does do is change you.  In our quantum world that equates to transformation over all timelines and ushers in your new empowered potential.
Then the yoga begins & over 8 weekends, you will work with Fire Shaper senior teachers, who have decades of experience, to grow your knowledge of asana, pranayama, meditation and anatomy.  You will develop and practice key teaching & alignment techniques for safe, expert guidance.  You will dive deeper into the Hot yoga series of Breathworks, Asanas and Magic.
The new certified you will have the skills and passion to create new opportunities to work with teachers and studios across the hot yoga industry whether it's locally or around the globe.

Benefits of doing our yoga training
Energy. Synchronicity. Alignment.

When you immerse yourself in an environment of growth things just start to align and synchronize. Aligning your actions with a purpose brings you closer to your truest self, living an energized authentic life.

Heart and Soul

The closer you flow to your karmic purpose the more your soul knows who you are and what you are doing to be true and real. When you're in harmony with your life's path the feeling that you get is one that is safe and connected deep in your heart.

You will realize results

There's a special experience waiting just for you and for you to discover it.  We all have these, an infinite number of gifts slumbering within, waiting for us to activate. Your true and full potential awaits you to take action and activate it from within.

Get in touch with us.
Add your details and our training coordinator will reach out to book a free 15 min chat.

"My life has totally flipped right-side up and it's amazing." 

-Dee, 200hr graduate

Here's just a little of what you'll learn:
Traditional Hot Yoga

You'll learn what's known as the traditional 26 & 2 hot yoga series as well as Fire Shaper's signature series. It's the best of both worlds taking tradition & flow to it's next evolution of learning.

8 Limbs of Yoga

It's beyond traditional philosophy. You'll discover how integrating yoga can provide a lifetime foundational tools for your own personal growth and development. Feel yourself & flow in life.

Confidence & Trust

Imagine trusting yourself, your knowledge, your skills and your abilities. The confidence this brings the moment you step up in front of a group of people as a yoga teacher makes it real.

Be Your Best Teacher
Our highly experienced Fire Shaper pros will be equipping you to teach the Fire Shaper signature hot yoga series known as Ignite as well as the traditional Bikram series with confidence. We will help draw your voice from within.
The Soul and Beyond
Our body layers are energetic, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Imagine tapping into this power. It's a connection so deep that it's impact will extend on to your family, partner and most importantly it will grow you.
Modern Yoga
The progression of yoga itself has changed and this impacts our practice as well as our teaching. All things must evolve and with Fire Shaper you'll be at the cutting edge of effectiveness & creativity. 
What others have to say
Are You Ready?
Time to Make a Change.
Enrol now.

5 October 2024
An experience of miracles that begins with RQU and ends with you as a 200hr certified Hot Yoga Teacher!
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What does it cost?
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Get enrolled for Octobers 2024 intake

The cost of the training is $4200

Here's what's included as part of your training:

  • 1 Seat at Release the Quantum yoU
    learn more here
    Value $1500 - included in your training
  • Hot Yoga Daily Access at Fire Shaper Bundall
    Value $1597 - included in your training
  • Online Yoga Classes (500+ classes)
    Value $300 - 1 yr included in your training
  • 200hr Yoga Teacher Certification
  • Full Training Manual and Guides
  • Online Tutorials
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$500 Early Bird Discount
Ends 31 August 2024
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Want to know more about our classes?
Contact us by phone or via email
07 5539 5375    training@fireshaper.com.au